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Importance of the Japanese Language

Why it’s Important to Learn Japanese?


The importance of the Japanese language is spoken by over one-hundred forty million in Japan alone and is also a natural second language for people in Chinese and Korean speaking countries. Despite Japan’s growth being outshined by neighbor countries like China and India. Japan still has the second largest economy in the world following China.

Japanese Language History


Japanese is part of the Altaic languages (which includes Turkish, Tungusic, Mongolian, and Korean) spoken in the early Transcaspian steppe country over four to five thousand years ago. Early Japanese continued to evolve into its current form until over a thousand years ago when the Japanese people started recording their language through poetry and other writings. The importance of Japanese is beneficial regardless if you do it for fun or for your career or even just for personal travel.

Several reasons exist for how the importance of the Japanese language is in the grand scheme of things. One reason is that knowing Japanese bringing various business opportunities worldwide as well as being a gateway to learning and understanding other Asian languages and cultures. Japanese presence and culture are growing all over the world as well online. Japanese is also one of the most extensive in its use of politeness and honor as well as any other form of expression.

Studying Japanese should be in trying something different and joining one of the great languages of the world.

Traveling to Japan

Use the Japanese Language to Travel to Japan
Use the Japanese Language to Travel to Japan

Even if you plan to travel to Japan or just a casual traveler. Minimal understanding of the importance of Japanese will make it easier when traveling around Japan.

Common every thing like road and shop signs that are written in Japanese. Even when ordering food in a restaurant or communicating with your waiter or waitress or other locals in the restaurant will greatly improve your experience of your travels. A critical challenge to remember is that of vocabulary. Having used different books and courses to learn to read Japanese I found several to be of benefit.

Japanese Language Today


Japan is a very resourceful country for being so isolated. Japan files nearly four-hundred thousand patent applications every year in such fields as optical media, semiconductor manufacturing, industrial robotics, and fermentation process. Innovation as made the Japanese world leaders when it comes to technological advancements.

Japan has a growing industry of exporting automobiles and other manufacturing goods. With the increasing manufacturing strength of Japan can only stress the importance of the Japanese in opening doors of employment in pretty much any occupations. Learning any language can only improve your chance of success in today’s difficult job market.

When trying to uncover the importance of Japanese language one cannot discover a more fascinating and challenging language to learn.
All languages change over time and Japanese is no different. To genuinely understand the importance of the Japanese language you need to learn the language yourself so you can receive the full benefit of this amazing language.

In fact, the latest research has shown that learning a second language helps fight against Alzheimer’s disease and slows down the aging effects of the brain. Talk about the Importance of language in action!

Why Learn Japanese – 10 Reasons to Learn Japanese?

You probably already have your own reasons to learn Japanese but in case you don’t have one already or still looking for more reasons to get motivated to learn Japanese. This article should help you answer the question “why learn Japanese?”

1: Set Yourself Apart from Others

A lot of people when considering learning a foreign language generally choose one of the more common choices like Spanish, French, or German. So choosing an uncommon language like Japanese will immediately set you apart from the crowd.

2: Cultural Importance of Japanese


More and more Japanese culture is becoming part of the international culture from anime and manga, to karaoke and sushi bars, to bonsai and origami.

3: Learning Japanese Opens the Door to Other Asian Languages


Japan has been shaped by the influences of other countries in Asia like India, China, and Korea. While the cultures and languages different in many ways. They do share some similarities when it comes to languages. Learning one of their languages makes learning one of the others a lot easier because of similar grammar structure, politeness rules, and borrow vocabulary.

4: If your Ever Plan to Visit Japan

Use the Japanese Language to Travel to Japan
Use the Japanese Language to Travel to Japan

Many people study up whenever they plan to visit another country. Tourism to and from Japan is growing every year. Knowing Japanese in the tourism industry or as a tour guide would be a great place to utilize this language.

5: Japanese is the Third Most Used Language on the Internet


After English and Chinese, Japanese is the third most spoken language on the internet with around 10% (or 90 million Japanese) of the world’s population. Knowing the Japanese can connect you to more potential friends, partners, and/or business acquaintances.

6: Japan has the second biggest economy in the world

For a small isolated country, Japan is one of the most prosperous nations in the world. Ranking Third overall in the world in the economy.

7: Academic Reasons to Learn Japanese

Because of the higher demand for people speaking Japanese, many of the world’s governments and agencies have been offering scholarships and other opportunities for individuals who are interested in
Japanese studies and learning Japanese.

8: Learn Japanese for the Challenge

Some people just enjoy having a challenge and Japanese is definitely a challenge to acquire fluency. But it’s not impossible to learn, in facts, part of learning Japanese is quite easy. Japanese grammar is considered easier than some of the European languages. Understanding the Japanese Alphabets and writing system might be a challenge.

9: Learn Japanese as a Hobby/Love of Learning Languages

Love of Language Learning
Love of Language Learning

Maybe you are just one of those people that just enjoy learning languages for the fun of it! Once you’ve mastered the urge to learn more becomes pretty strong. Contrary to popular opinion, not much confusion happens between languages.

10: Leading Innovators of Technology

Japan is a very resourceful country for being such an isolated country. Japan files over four-hundred thousand patent applications every year in such fields as optical media, semiconductor manufacturing, industrial robotics, and fermentation process. Innovation as made the Japanese world leaders in technology.

Japanese is truly an amazing language to learn. I hope you find this article helpful in narrowing and strengthening your reasons to learn Japanese.

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About Sally Morgan

My name is Sally Morgan, I'm American and currently a Language Teacher in New York State Schools for French and Spanish. I have studied Foreign Languages, translation and teaching at the Columbia University in New York. I lived for 3 years in Europe including France, UK and Italy.

I am a passionate linguist and love how speaking another language opens the doors of communication and therefore a whole world.

Please ask me any questions below

1 thought on “Importance of the Japanese Language”

  1. culture society languages of Japan are the subsequent dialect, hyōjungo, became the standard language, based upon the linguistic patterns of Tokyo’s warrior classes. Some dialects are still used in certain areas, particularly in Kyoto and Osaka, but standard Japanese, based on the speech of Tokyo, has become more popular through the use of television, radio and movies. The other areas to greatly impact Japan were the kingdoms of Korea, which was the closest culture to Japan and therefore the main point of contact between Japan and mainland Asia. Through Korea, the major Asian religion Buddhism travelled from China to Japan and became a major influence on Japanese culture. The Japanese have always taken pride in the supposed native purity of their culture and especially their language, but in actuality the language ever since it was first committed to writing has been decidedly a bastard tongue like English ( Yoshio, 2004). As people in the Western countries, the Japanese also have a genius for importing, borrowing, and then adapting to suit their national purposes. The ease with which Japanese borrows, modifies, and adopts foreign words and idioms is perhaps its greatest asset and in no way detracts from the strength of Japanese culture or its fundamental homogeneity. You will start studying the Japanese grammar and hiragana and kanji characters right from the beginning of the programme. Thus, your reading and writing skills will develop quickly. Listening, pronunciation and discussion exercises will improve your Japanese communication skills. In addition, you will practice giving short speeches and presentations, which will build your confidence in speaking Japanese. In the intermediate studies, you will practice your language skills through role play exercises and plays, speeches and conversations, and listening exercises. You will deepen your knowledge of Japanese grammar and do various writing assignments, for instance short translations. You will study new kanji characters mostly independently.Learning Japanese opens up a new world of culture, politics and commerce. A command of Japanese is a rare skill and will make you more marketable in the job market. By studying Japanese Language and Culture, you can immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Japan and gain expertise in the Japanese language.


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