Home » Learn German Language » Learn Basics of German Grammar – German Language Grammar Guide

Learn Basics of German Grammar – German Language Grammar Guide

The fun part of learning any language.. learning Grammar! The grammar rules you must follow to properly speak the German language. But don’t worry about how hard learning German Grammar might feel at first. Learning German grammar rules is one of the most effective ways to speed up your ability to speak a language.

Keep in mind this is just a basic introduction into understanding how German grammar works.

German Grammar Rules: Sentence Structure

  • German Sentence structure as four distinct cases that can potentially follow.
  • Nominative case identifies the subject (who or what is doing the action).
  • Accusative case identifies the direct object (whom or what the subject “verbs”).
  • Genitive case indicates that this noun belongs to someone or something.
  • Dative case identifies the indirect object (the receiver of the object or an action.)

German Grammar Rules: Sentence Structure

German Sentence structure as 4 distinct cases that can potentially follow.

  • Nominative case
    Identifies the subject (who or what is doing the action).
  • Accusative case
    Identifies the direct object (whom or what the subject “verbs”).
  • Genitive case
    Indicates that this noun belongs to someone or something.
  • Dative case
    identifies the indirect object (the receiver of the object or an action.)

German Grammar Rules: Nouns and Pronouns

German Masculine Feminine Examples
German Masculine Feminine Examples

• German Nouns can be either masculine, feminine, and neuter. German Nouns and Pronouns are always capitalizes.
• Masculine and Feminine don’t always apply to how “manly” or how “female” the subject is.
• Masculine nouns usually include male people and animals, the seasons, and months of the year.

German Grammar Rules: Verbs

• German Verbs have different endings to the words depending on which tense of the word is used.

Examples of German Verbs
Examples of German Verbs

German Grammar Rules: Adjectives

• German Adjectives vary depending on which gender and case of the noun they are describing.

German Adjective Example
German Adjective Example
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About Sally Morgan

My name is Sally Morgan, I'm American and currently a Language Teacher in New York State Schools for French and Spanish. I have studied Foreign Languages, translation and teaching at the Columbia University in New York. I lived for 3 years in Europe including France, UK and Italy.

I am a passionate linguist and love how speaking another language opens the doors of communication and therefore a whole world.

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