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Romantic French Phrases – Love, Beauty & Romance Phrases

If you are one of the many people that want to start learning a second language because your significant other has a different native language. Helping ease the communication barrier between you and your partner or a sweet gesture to learn more about their heritage. This article focuses on romantic French phrases and terms of affection to help make your bond stronger.

French Phrases Terms of Affection

French Terms of Affection
My LoveMon Amour
Love of my HeartAmour de mon Coeur
Boyfriend | Girlfriendpetit ami | petite amie
Husband | Wifemari |femme
French Affection Phases
French Affection Phases

French Quotes About Love

French Quotes About Love
L’amour est aveugle; jalousie voir trop.
Love is blind; jealousy see too much.
Vous êtes plus belle que votre robe.
You are more beautiful than your dress.
La lune est belle, mais vous êtes plus belle
The moon is beautiful but you are lovelier
Grâce à l’amour, épines sont devenus roses
Through love, thorns became roses
Love Quotes in French
Love Quotes in French

Romantic French Phrases

Romantic French Phrases
I love youJe t’ aime
I love you a lotJe t’aime beaucoup
Kiss MeEmbrassez-moi
Do you love me?M’aimes-tu?
What would I do without you?Que ferais-je sans toi?
You’re the man of my dreams.Tu es l’homme de mes reves.
You’re thewoman of mv dreams.Tu es la femme de mes reves.
Hug and KissesEtreintes et de baisers
French Romantic Words
French Romantic Words

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About Sally Morgan

My name is Sally Morgan, I'm American and currently a Language Teacher in New York State Schools for French and Spanish. I have studied Foreign Languages, translation and teaching at the Columbia University in New York. I lived for 3 years in Europe including France, UK and Italy.

I am a passionate linguist and love how speaking another language opens the doors of communication and therefore a whole world.

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