Home » Learn Hindi Language » Hindi Language Grammar Guide – Rules, Verbs, Adjective & Words

Hindi Language Grammar Guide – Rules, Verbs, Adjective & Words

The fun part of learning any language.. learning grammar! The grammar rules you must follow to properly speak a language. But don’t worry about how hard learning Hindi Grammar might feel at first. Learning Hindi grammar rules is one of the most effective ways to speed up your ability to speak the Hindi language. Keep in mind this is just a basic introduction to understanding how Hindi grammar works.

Hindi Grammar Rules

The Hindi grammar rules you must follow and understand to properly speak the Hindi language.

  • Hindi sentence structure can be confusing at times but generally tend to follow a Subject-Object-Verb pattern.
  • Hindi nouns have genders: Masculine and Feminine.
  • Masculine usually ending in a and Feminine usually ending in “i” or “iya”.
  • Hindi Verbs usually follow the object of the sentence and can have past, present, or future tenses.
  • Hindi adjective changes according to the gender of the word they are modifying. More information about Hindi grammar can be found below

Hindi Grammar Rules: Sentence Structure

  • Hindi uses the sentence structure of subject then object then verb.
  • Hindi Grammar Rules: Nouns And Pronouns
  • Hindi Nouns have a Gender, Masculine or Feminine
  • There are no Definite or Indefinite articles in Hindi
  • Singular and plural nouns usually aren’t always distinguishable.
Hindi Masculine / Feminie Examples
Hindi Masculine / Feminie Examples

Hindi Grammar Rules: Verbs

• Hindi Verbs usually follow the object of the sentence
• Hindi Verbs do have a tense to them. Past, Present, or Future.
• Hindi Verbs can also be either habitual, accelerating or perfective.

Hindi verb examples
Hindi verb examples

Hindi Grammar Rules: Adjectives

• Hindi Adjective change according to Word Gender.

Hindi Adjective Examples
Hindi Adjective Examples

Learning Hindi grammar rules can be considered the cornerstone of the language and will take a while to learn but creates a sturdy foundation to help you completely learn Hindi in no time. Take the time to let these points soak in, then build on them as you continue your Hindi studies. Good luck, and have fun learning Hindi.

Common Hindi Words

Hindi Emotion and Feelings Phases
Hindi Emotion and Feelings Phases
hindi words for animals
hindi words for animals

basic hindi words
basic hindi words

hindi words for meals
hindi words for meals

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hindi words for homes rooms

hindi words for emotions
hindi words for emotions

hindi words for families
hindi words for families

hindi words for countries
hindi words for countries

hindi words for colors
hindi words for colors

hindi words for months years
hindi words for months years

hindi words for animals
hindi words for animals

hindi words for countinets
hindi words for countinets

hindi words for weather
hindi words for weather

hindi words for days weeks
hindi words for days weeks

Hindi words for professions
Hindi words for professions

hindi words for seasons year
hindi words for seasons year

hindi words for times / days
hindi words for times / days

hindi words for vehicles
hindi words for vehicles
 Image Name
About Sally Morgan

My name is Sally Morgan, I'm American and currently a Language Teacher in New York State Schools for French and Spanish. I have studied Foreign Languages, translation and teaching at the Columbia University in New York. I lived for 3 years in Europe including France, UK and Italy.

I am a passionate linguist and love how speaking another language opens the doors of communication and therefore a whole world.

Please ask me any questions below

8 thoughts on “Hindi Language Grammar Guide – Rules, Verbs, Adjective & Words”

  1. Priya Sally gi,
    Aapka Hindi language sikhne aur sikhane ka praya aati uttam hai,Hindi vyakran ko gahrai se jaankar saral digitalized kare.north india se Hindi ki sahi aur satek jankari milegi.

  2. Thank you for posting this I am trying to learn hindi for a long time but grammar is the problem
    I have taken screen shot also thank you ❤🙏


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