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Learn Spanish Alphabet – Spanish Language Alphabet Letters, Chart

Learn Spanish Alphabet

Learning to read the Spanish Alphabet should be the first stop for Spanish beginners. Spanish used to have 30 letters until 3 of them were removed(Ch, ll, and rr). Spanish has 27 letters, 26 from the English Alphabet with the letter “ñ” added in plus different pronunciation as well.

The Spanish Alphabet currently contains twenty-seven letters including the twenty-six from the English Alphabet with extra letter ñ.

Some Spanish letters of the Spanish Alphabet are pronounced differently than their English counterparts.

There are two kinds of syllables in Spanish:

  • Stressed (tónicas)
  • Unstressed (átonas).

One-syllable words will be either tónicas or átonas. In words with more that one syllable, only one can be stressed. Spanish as changed over recent years, removing letters from the Spanish Alphabet.

So make sure to practice pronouncing and writing the Spanish Alphabet whenever you can. As many times as you can.

Practice with the Spanish alphabet with pictures below:

Spanish Alphabet Chart

Spanish Alphabet Chart
Spanish Alphabet Chart
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About Sally Morgan

My name is Sally Morgan, I'm American and currently a Language Teacher in New York State Schools for French and Spanish. I have studied Foreign Languages, translation and teaching at the Columbia University in New York. I lived for 3 years in Europe including France, UK and Italy.

I am a passionate linguist and love how speaking another language opens the doors of communication and therefore a whole world.

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